One evening, through the window came flying in a green coloured insect and settled on the sofa in the living room of our home. At first sight I recognised it as a praying mantis. It was overall a rich green…
Pitcher Plant, Nepenthes khasiana
We all know that animals depend on plants for their food. But have you ever heard of plants that feed on animals? Yes, that’s what Pitcher plants are all about! These plants feed largely on small animals like insects, scorpions…
Three-striped Palm Squirrel
The word rodent often elicits different responses from people. It is also assumed that all rodents look like the common rat. The Three-striped Palm Squirrel Funambulus palmarum however, though a rodent, is tolerated by most people. This may also be,…
Jumping Spiders
Here come the Salticids to herald in the New Year and to give you all a jumpstart into 2010! Not all spiders build a web and wait patiently to trap their meal! There are some that pounce on their prey…
Ant relationships
We encounter ants so often in our daily life that we tend to ignore them. However, when they become bothersome, we try to eliminate them. We do very little to learn something about these social and industrious creatures. Most ants…