Ladybird Lifecycle – Photo feature

Some months ago, in the article titled “Bugs – Lifecycle” I had brought to you an interesting story with some pictures. This time I bring to you the lifecycle of a beetle!

One fine day, I was casually examining a clump of golden bamboo at Kabini, secretly hoping to be surprised. Little did I expect to be treated to an almost whole life-cycle of a pretty Ladybird beetle Synonycha sp. (Family Coccinellidae). I was excited when an adult ladybird beetle still sitting on the spent pupa caught my attention. I photographed this before the beetle moved off to explore its surroundings. Before long, I noticed a young grub (beetle larva) moving about on the bamboo, a fully grown grub, a grub about to pupate, a fully formed pupa, and an adult becoming the meal of a spider! One after the other, I photographed all these. The only thing I could not find were the eggs of this pretty beetle. Now let me allow the pictures to speak for themselves.

For purposes of better understanding, the pictures are arranged suitably to convey the lifecycle. The entire series of pictures were shot within a span of about half hour, all on the same bamboo clump!

A young grub


Grub moulting


A fully grown grub

Grub ready to pupate

The pupa

Adult sitting on the spent pupa after emerging


Adult Ladybird beetle Synonycha grandis

The spent pupal skin

A combfooted spider feeding on the adult beetle

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